
long rant, celebs, covid, capitalism, facism, climate change, rambling, antisocial society 

Sadly, there's a lot of correlation in these dates of passing, espechally with a lot of people not at an old age or with publicly known, preexisting conditions...

  • Almost as if there's like a debilitating disease killing them all.

Now granted tragedies do happen and actors that are usually - if successful - earning much more than the average household tend to be at a "higher risk".

  • But also they usually have the means to access top healthcare even in extremely paywalled places like the , so it's not as if they ain't having access to that.

Case in point: As much as we want to pretent "!" and both overnments and media do try to shove that lie down our ears and throats, it doesn't make it less of a lie...

  • Just like shouting loud enough won't undo the that our planet is a roational ellipsoid.

So if even people with multiple times your household income get flatlined by aka. "", why would you risk that?

No seriously, ask yourself why you do something and then tell me if the thing you do to make ends meet is what you wanted to do or even love to do.

  • Cuz for me it's not, if I'd be honest, but I'm too intelligent to tell that employers and recruiters who only look at how much profit they can make off me.

So if in even the "preachers" and entertainers don't get spared - what makes you all think you will?

  • I certainly don't believe in that and sadly all employers are just too cowardly to admit that they'd yeet me - or any other wageworker for that matter - as soon as they can get away with it medium- to long-term.

and everyone who denies this fact, denies your right to and thus passively protect yourself is passive-aggressively denying your right to exist and thinks that eugenics and you dying due to lack of luck is okay.

  • It's like instead of driving slow near an elementary school at a morning when kids go to it, we'd all insist that we must drive at >200km/h next to the schoolbus so "Kids learn to deal with traffic" and "Not exposing them to it is bad"...

OFC that's complete bs but in terms of this is basically the equivalent.

  • are the equivalent of |s and have the same messaging: 'If you want to protect yourself, then there's no space for you in society!'

Remember everyone, that this entire could've been *if not prevented, at least swiftly curbed in just like with previous outbreaks.

Am I the only one who's fed up with this and who basically sees the entire as a " Event" for "antisocial assholes"?

I feel like Penitent Tangent having to use my average highschool biology to remind people of the most basic prevention options.

  • I think it's absurd and gross neglectful if not open and that those who want and/or need protection get emburdened with it (and it's cost) whilst the rest who doesn't even fake to care isn't even obligated to not constantly cough each other into their mouths.

I'd not be surprised if we soon see -style "" like "" are done

Seriously, I don't - espechally with my own and I'm not going to change that by literally dice-rolling everytime.

Until every envoirmentalist acknowledges to be a necessity, will accelerate harder by the day!

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