Seems like the #OnionService for
@ m2ylflyeak6i6o4hsfwcrfwcq2bbjxk6nf2rnmm7fu6qiuu3hybenzid.onion
is down.
Cc: @clubdiscordia @torproject
Also friendly reminder for #developers of #Apps using @torproject / #Tor and/or accessing #OnionServices using @guardianproject / #Orbot:
You may trust @mullvadnet but even they can't resolve …onion
(and likely wouldn't even if it was that simple) because that's how it works! []
Issues aside it's now 15 years since I started using #Tor / @torproject & @guardianproject / #Orbot on #Android full-time.
Because in #EDGEland they yeet users to 64kBit/s if not even lower to 16kBit/s past paid bandwith and instead of properly renegotiating the bandwith, they trottle connections by reducing the packet rate / dropping packets, making it as #laggy as a #GSO-based #SATCOM connection!
#WhatsMissing is an #Android-#ROM that is the equivalent of @tails_live / @tails / #Tails, which includes @torproject / #Tor and @guardianproject / #Orbot support from the get-go and forces everything through Tor (system-wide #Torification) if not only allows to connect to #OnionSedvices using #orWall...
Ideally make it like an #image file to put on a #RaspberryPi #CM5 / #CM4 / #Pi400 / #Pi500 / #Pi4 / #Pi5 to work with a bunch of #WWAN modules for #data, #SMS & #calling (needed with some SIMs to get shit done)...
@kkarhan @torproject @guardianproject @BNetzA I did a test drive of Tor many years ago but it was so slow I only felt comfortable using it for keeping potentially dangerous we searches anonymous
@codeofamor I foubd it to be actually faster since it circumvents the #throttling that is done by dropping packets pretty solidly...