Looking for software recommendation...
I'm looking for a remote desktop solution to help others with computer issues. My side needs to run on #Linux, other side needs to run on #Windows, and to a lesser extent, #Linux as well.
Setting up the connection needs to be noob friendly on their side. I have an extremely strong preference for FOSS.
So far, I have not had fun experiences with remote desktop even just controlling my own machines.
@hellomiakoda You should look into Rustdesk. Similar to Teamviewer, but fully open source, and runs on Linux, Windows and macOS if I remember well.
I have a very similar requirement, although both ends are Linux. Does Rustdesk require me to punch a hole in the host's firewall, or does it require the user being sorted to type in an IP address? I need to support someone who can't understand the instruction "open your Web browser", but I also need to keep it secure.
@CppGuy @hellomiakoda Yes it does allow to go through a firewall, as it relies on an external server which acts as an intermediary. You can have your own server or use the default one. And all this is transparent for the end user.
If configured correctly all they have to do is run rustdesk, and that's about it.