@cliffordheath @juergen_hubert @dgar Yes, fine & noble in spirit, without doubt. Sadly, here's at least one of the practical problem scenarios, as a fable.
- RWNJ Oppo party/ies promulgate/s a litany of wilful lies about opponent parties [including govt] & Indies, with big-budget saturation ad campaigns
- RWNJ Oppo party/ies promulgate/s a suite of horrendously bad climate, biodiversity, habitat, social policies, greenwashed by odious lies, & lubricated by false claims of Jobs Jobs Jobs
- RWNJ media enthusiastically bigs-up all the RWNJ party/ies lies, & ruthlessly attacks all progressive parties & Indies
- clueless cretinous credulous Great Unwashed swallow all the MSM & RWNJ party lies, & votes said party into govt.
- said new govt sets about further destroying public education, taking up from all their desecration leftover from their last time in govt, & unfixed in the meanwhile by constant parliamentary blockages instigated by the RWNJs when they were in Oppo
- vicious circle ensues... c c c G U become ever more c c c G U coz of ever decreasing efficacy of their rudimentary public education, & don't bother looking up for more than five minutes at a time from their permanent diet of farcebuck, twatter, idiotgram, tut tut et al, so keep moronically voting for the RWNJ arseholes doing all this malignant misbehaviour
Happily, in time, this awful species is wiped out by an obliging asteroid, & the cockroaches live happily ever after.
The End.