#WhatsMissing: a #TUI-based #Office #Suite using modern & lean file formats:
A #markdown-based #Layouting & #DesktopPublishing tool that can basically handle #LaTeX and spit out #HTML as well as #PDF…
A #TSV (because #tabs are better than #spaves and people use commas if they follow Genevan Nomenclature of Mathematics; also it should just store data, not manipulate it (or even if it should only display the results when asked to and instead store the Function for the cell I.e. =A1*B1
A simple and elegant #presentation tool (may just be a few presets for the #Editor)…
A small and nifty #FormulaEditor that allows converting regular math formulas pleasingly by converting them into LaTeX - Syntax for use in said documents.
Bonus points if it's also a scientific calculator with formula plotter supporting 2D and 3D outputs as well as export into tables.
A #database & #API tool that allows downloading, uploading, syncing and comparing #SQL and #NoSQL-DBs, their entries as well as queries.
A #notetaking tool that integrates with #git and allows both #versioning and #collaboration this way...
A minimalist #TUI menu that may also help setup #versioning (i.e. #git) and #collaboration (i.e. #Nextcloud) and #sync (i.e. #SFTP / #SSHFS, #SMB, Nextcloud, …) as well as other nice settings for most things.
A draw.io - alike #diagram editor that can handle #XML and also basic markdown as import & export language and has powerful self-layouting options.
A #terminal #screenshot tool alike the one The DOS compatibility card [www.youtube.com] offered with #DOSCLIP ...
OF course given that (almost) all of this can be done with #neovim and a few other tools it's unlikely to get made...