@zdl @evacide that any the fact that @signalapp is incorportated in the #USA, making them susceptible to #GDPR & #BDSG-incompatible #cyberfacist bs like #CloudAct.
Remember: #KYC IS THE ILLICIT ACTIVITY when it comes to #Communication!
Compare that to @monocles / #monoclesChat which don't demand any PII or KYC and allow people to pay for their services with #Monero and #CashByMail besides #SEPA #WireTransfer, #Stripe & #PayPal whilst supporting both decentralization (#XMPP is not a #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solution!), implementing real #SelfCustody (#OMEMO, #OTR & #PGP is supported out of the box) for all the keys, and proper #Anonymitiy (using @torproject / #Tor & @guardianproject #Orbot for #privacy), so in case they ever get a duely sumitted warrant by a court they'd have to comply with, they'll most likely have no data whatsoever on clients that could allow identification.
Also having no PII is a matter of reducing #liability in the sense of #DataProtection: All data requested and by #monocles is the bare minimum mandated for #accounting (i.e. only linking a payment like a #TxID / Transaction-ID to an account and then adding up validity/activation period).