In these troubled times, please remember to be doubly careful about protecting the privacy of others online.
Always ask before sharing any piece of someone else's personal data with a third-party.
This could be as banal as asking a person before sharing their email address with someone else or with some application or service.
Be careful. Sometimes it only takes one small piece of data to reveal an identity and put someone in danger.
Care for the data of others
@Em0nM4stodon I'm pretty sure anonymity is dead. If it wasn't before the election, it certainly is now.
@Beggarmidas @Em0nM4stodon depends.
@kkarhan @Em0nM4stodon The DNI has it's hands full already. Worry about the DoJ. Once darth gilligan & co hollow out the FBI & replace it with cronies, they'll be hell on greased wheels once they can figure out how to work the gear. Until now LEA has performed under considerable constraints. Once those are gone what they've been capable of all along will appall you.
@Beggarmidas @Em0nM4stodon which is why migrating away from #GAFAMs and anyone else.under #CloudAct is vital.
@kkarhan @Em0nM4stodon @signalapp @monocles You can have a poisoned software package silently pushed to your phone that'll compromise even signal. I don't think anyone's come up with a blackphone worth a fuck yet.
@Beggarmidas @Em0nM4stodon personally, I do consider #Smartphones an attack vector and recommend everyone to use @tails_live / @tails / #Tails or at least @torproject / #Tor via @guardianproject / #Orbot and ideally open, #PublicWiFi like @freifunk / #freifunk.
Fortunately, @monocles / #monoclesChat integrates Orbot Support so it's just a few taps to get everything tunned through Tor []!
If @signalapp cared, they would've #decentralized and put their backend on Tor and not demand #PII like a #PhoneNumber.
For comparison monocles [] / @monocles doesn't collect any #PII whatsoever and one can get their #Apps not only for free (or choose one's own #clients because unlike #Signal they only use open & standardized protocols!) but also pay [] using #CashByMail and #Monero for maximum #privacy.
So it's not a #VCmoneyBurningParty but actually #sustainable!
@kkarhan @Em0nM4stodon @tails_live @tails @torproject @guardianproject @freifunk @monocles @signalapp I find it's just easier to accept that anonymity is dead, and if I ever become important enough to step on, they'll probably find me. But they wont find me easy to step on. >:) But as of right now, i'm a nobody. Who'd bother spending money bugging or tailing a nobody? Nobody.