Mozilla CEO made around 7 million USD last year, but hosting bills are pending. Now, they updated the ToS, and you can't watch p0rn, or your data will be sold, or they no longer care about the orignal mission, etc. Once again, we see C-suits lose their grip on reality. As long as they are getting paid in millions, software projects can go to /dev/null. It is like they want to ruin the project on purpose. There is no other explanation I can think of. Can you?
@nixCraft I think @mozillaofficial should hand over #Firefox to @torproject and let #TorBrowser become the new #upstream!
I mean, @thunderbird / #Thunderbird got taken over by it's community as well. Not shure if they have any relations beyond #Trademark and some #Hosting infra at #Mozilla...
@kkarhan @nixCraft @mozillaofficial @torproject @thunderbird and thunderbird is an amazing email client.
I'd say @thunderbird is hands-down the better alternative to #Outlook in every shape or form!
@0xF21D @nixCraft @thunderbird
I agree but, at the same time, what they did to K9 Mail absolutely sickens me and genuinely makes me question if they have some nefarious motive.
@bobkmertz @kkarhan @0xF21D @nixCraft No nefarious motives. And the post isn't live on our blog yet, but the next Android Progress Report discusses some of the changes coming (back) to the account drawer, which we hope reassure our long-term K-9 Mail users like yourself. We'll post a link here once it's published, but for anyone reading this, all our Android updates live at
The account drawer was the straw that broke my back but for me it's more about bloat. Before Thunderbird's involvement K-9 was one of the quickest apps on my phone and it just did it's job. I don't need my mobile to sync with my laptop because that's exactly what IMAP is for. If I need something powerful I'll go to my laptop but on mobile I just want it to be quick and painless. Nothing wrong with forking K-9 and creating Thunderbird for Android on top of K-9 for those that want extra features but the majority that were using K-9 were doing so *because* of it's simplicity. Telling us K-9 would continue to exist and then essentially just building Thunderbird and releasing a "branded" version was the wrong thing to do. I miss when K-9 ran on old and under-powered phones - it no longer does that.
Maybe you don't have a nefarious motive but forcing features onto people who don't want them isn't a good look... And is kinda exactly what Mozilla is self destructing over.
@kkarhan @0xF21D @nixCraft
What did they do to K9Mail? Isn't K9 mail still very much available as it's stand alone project too?
@raccoon @nixCraft @0xF21D @thunderbird @bobkmertz it is.
They merely rebranded it as #Thunderbird Mobile.
But they were open about it, so... Meh?
They DID add the QR code reader to import all the settings, which makes things more comfortable.
@raccoon @nixCraft @0xF21D @thunderbird @bobkmertz yeah, and I do think that such an option is good because it reduces hassle and makes it easy for people who use #Thunderbird on Desktop to get it up and running on #Android as well, reducing friction and providing a easier onboarding similar to how #Microsoft gets people to use their #Outlook garbage.
Also IIRC thunderbird isn't with mozilla anymore, right?
Not sure what that means, I don't speak legalese :(
@raccoon @bartholin @nixCraft @0xF21D @thunderbird @bobkmertz Last time I checked, #Thunderbird's #Trademark was still owned by @mozillaofficial and they still used some infrastructure with them, but for the most part is doing their own thing.
I.e. Scientology is a "non-profit" but that doesn't make said cult any less inhumane or less profit-oriented! My god Kevin. I love you dude but your use of hashtags and tagging anything and anyone always gives me a sensory overload.
In a technical sense, OK.... But K-9 became bloated with their involvement before they rebranded it (they basically changed K-9 *before* the whole branding thing).
@raccoon @nixCraft @0xF21D @thunderbird
@kkarhan @nixCraft
Does that mean that the changes at #mozilla won't reach #thunderbird and emails stored in it?
@kkarhan @nixCraft @mozillaofficial @torproject @thunderbird what would Tor do with Firefox
I get a bad feeling about that, Tor uses ESRs which don't include everything (even certain security patches aren't fixed, depending on severity)
@lucasmz @nixCraft well, unlike @mozillaofficial the people at @torproject actually give a damn about #privacy and they rather gut features than compromize on that.
Unlike #Mozilla, #TorProject and #TorBrowser ain't sellouts!
@kkarhan @nixCraft @mozillaofficial @torproject I'd get worried they would though, in this situation maintaining a browser can't be easy or cheap...
@lucasmz @nixCraft True, true...
What pisses me off is that @mozillaofficial is wastibg millions (!!!) on their #CEO whilst not even paying #hosters on time.
Compared to that, @torproject has way more #accountability, #consequences and #transparency...